Hogar » It appears that EastFlirts.com is not a legitimate site. It has been reported as a scam, particularly in December 2023, with fake checks being sent out. It is advised to avoid this website.

The homepage of EastFlirts.com gives the impression of being an exciting dating service, offering fun conversations with attractive women. However, our review revealed that this is not the case. This website is actually another fake chat scam operated by Grandview AppCommunity GmbH, a company based in Ruthi, Switzerland.

As part of our review process, we carefully read the Terms and Conditions and created an account to test the website. Our investigation uncovered the use of fictitious profiles and fake chat operators. Additionally, we found that the website’s features are not free, despite what is implied. Users are required to purchase expensive bundles of virtual currency in order to send messages, which is essentially a rip-off since most profiles are fake.

Costly Chatting Charges

Although the homepage suggests that the website is free to use, users must actually pay for each message sent. Considering that most profiles are likely fictional, users could end up spending exorbitant amounts of money in conversations with fake chat operators.

Entertainment Service Only

Contrary to its portrayal as a dating website, the Terms and Conditions clearly state that EastFlirts.com is merely an entertainment service. The operating company employs “professional animators” to interact with users for their entertainment, with no possibility of real meetings. Users can only communicate with these fake chat operators through the website’s messaging portal.

Based on our experience, this is a clear indication of a scam, as fake chat operators are used to generate revenue by enticing users to spend more on virtual currency.

From the Terms and Conditions

Grandview uses professional animators and operators for the entertainment of the Users, who are not identified separately in the system. This Service is provided in the highest quality. Real meetings are not possible with these operators. Users can only send them messages within the portal.

Estas son nuestras recomendaciones para un sitio alternativo.
